The Performance Clinic

Client Testimonials

We’ve worked with a number of high performance clients, from TeamGB, ParaGB and the EIS at the Olympic and Paralympic games, but you do not have to be an Olympic athlete to come and see us! 

Here’s what our clients say about us:

"Ive used the Performance Clinic for many years now. The staff there are great and really know their stuff. They not only look after you in terms of physiotherapy and massage but they know how to say the right things to pick you up at times when you are injured and down. Penny and her team have kept me held together and ensured that I get to the start line in tip top shape on many occasions. Without them I wouldn’t have achieved many of the things i have in athletics."
Alyson Dixon
British Athletics
"Ive used the Performance Clinic for many years now. The staff there are great and really know their stuff. They not only look after you in terms of physiotherapy and massage but they know how to say the right things to pick you up at times when you are injured and down. Penny and her team have kept me held together and ensured that I get to the start line in tip top shape on many occasions. Without them I wouldn’t have achieved many of the things i have in athletics."
Stephen Miller MBE
3x Paralympic Gold Medalist (Athletics)
"I have been using The Performance Clinic and seeing Penny since I was a junior. To have a top physiotherapist nearby gave me a lot of confidence that I had quality support, both in the prevention of injury and treatment when I was not so lucky! Penny’s pilates helped me a lot and developed my core strength to help cope with my increasing training. When I was injured or working through weaknesses, I found it really important to visit The Performance Clinic as Penny made me feel very at ease and is a friendly face when, as an athlete, things like that can be quite worrying."
Katherine Copeland
Olympic Gold Medallist (Rowing)
"It was just before the Olympic qualifiers when I had a bad hamstring injury and this stopped me from running. I saw about 4 different “top” sports physios who where well respected in the GB set up and none of them could sort me out, through this I ended up getting kicked off the team. I was devastated, a few weeks went by and this injury was still there, I went to see Penny and in 2 or 3 session she sorted my hamstring out and I could run again so I phoned the GB coach to tell him I was fine. He said I had to prove my fitness to him before he let me back on the programme, so I organised a fight to show him I was back fighting fit, I trained hard for 4 weeks won it, I got picked for the Olympic Qualifies, qualified, went to Beijing and won a Bronze medal and its changed my life. I don’t think I could have achieved this if it wasn’t for Penny’s expertise. I would recommend her to anyone and everyone; she’s the best physio I have worked with bar none!"
Tony Jeffries
Olympic Bronze Medallist (Boxing)
"Penny Macutkiewicz was my physio when I trained in Gateshead. I had many injuries throughout the period here and Penny was a great help and seeing her prevented me having time out the water. Penny didn’t just treat me; she did pilates sessions with me and gave me rehab work which helped me with my swimming. She did so much more than I expected a physio to do and was so positive with everything and so easy to get along with. Penny was definitely one of the best physios I have ever seen and would recommend anyone seeing her. If I still trained at Gateshead I would still be seeing her now. Penny was one in a million and the treatment and service is the best."
Joanna Jackson
Olympic Bronze Medallist (Swimming)
"Penny Macutkiewicz and Amy Woolstenholmes have provided me invaluable support as I have developed as an athlete. Regular physiotherapy and massage treatment is essential to prevent injury. Not only through therapy but also essential rehab exercise and conditioning programs which are specific to my needs. My training base over the past couple of years has moved to Leeds, but it is great to know when I return home I have the great support service there for me."
Laura Weightman
Olympic 1500m Finalist

Who We've Worked With

At The Performance Clinic we've worked with a number of athletes and organisations, including:

One Single Step

We will help you take the first step in the right direction towards being healthy and pain free.

One Step Further

Our Physiotherapists prioritise your health and wellbeing; we’ll listen to all your concerns, make sure you are understood, and we’ll go one step further to tailor an individual treatment plan to your needs.