Gait Analysis in Newcastle, Sunderland & Gateshead

A biomechanical assessment will assess the fundamental, functional use of the body when moving – how the client carries their body and how well balanced the body is.
Preventing injury and optimising performance is beneficial to us all, whether on the sports field, at work or at home. Through a comprehensive assessment of spinal alignment, posture, muscle imbalance, biomechanics and flexibility, and then a thorough gait analysis any imbalances will be identified. The biomechanical screening will be sport specific. A programme addressing these inefficiencies will allow you to continue your sport or activity with a decreased risk of injury while enhancing your performance. This programme will increase your understanding of the body’s correct mechanics, allowing you to incorporate this into future training.  
A biomechanical assessment will assess the  fundamental, functional use of the body when moving – how the client carries their body and how well balanced the body is.

Gait analysis will be initially carried out on a treadmill for consistency and eliminates environmental factors, so please come prepared and warmed up.

Changes in your running biomechanics can dramatically improve your running economy and efficiency, reducing the amount of energy you use. This all leads to faster times and less injuries.

After analysis of your biomechanics a programme is designed to allow you to carry on training, with appropriate modifications.

Who We've Worked With

At The Performance Clinic we've worked with a number of athletes and organisations, including:

One Single Step

We will help you take the first step in the right direction towards being healthy and pain free.

One Step Further

Our Physiotherapists prioritise your health and wellbeing; we’ll listen to all your concerns, make sure you are understood, and we’ll go one step further to tailor an individual treatment plan to your needs.